Chris Jasper with renowned Gregorian chant teacher, Dom Saulnier, at the Abbey of Solesmes, 2010.
Hello and a happy May!
We are excited to introduce
Chris Jasper, the mastermind behind GCA, has been working hard to revamp the online chant master course:
"Since launching the online chant Master Course in 2022, it has served over 100 students from more than a dozen countries all around the world. But the way in which the course was made was practical, not ideal. Despite the various deficiencies of the beta version of the course, no students ever expressed any negative feedback, only positive. You can read some of their testimonials here (testimonials are in the description of the Master Course).
"Ever since the beta version of the course was completed, I have been working on remaking the entire course, learning from the pros and cons of the beta version to make the alpha version much more professional, clear, concise and effective. This new Alpha version includes a restructured layout of sections, two new sections, every lesson scripted, a new approach to presentation, and high quality video and audio. As much as students love the beta version, a few of them who have had a sneak peek at the Alpha version have commented saying the new format and lessons are a 'vast improvement' and 'excellent improvement' over the beta version."
The general public will also get a glimpse of the new Alpha version when one of the history lessons is released on the GCA YouTube channel. Some of the sections of the Master Course will also be made available separately as mini courses.
What is the value of a Master Course like this? Consider that hundreds of people will pay nearly $2000 to attend the Church Music Association of America’s Colloquium each year for only a few days, resulting in travel, time off work, limited education, etc. On the other hand, the level of education in this Master Course is practically nonexistent outside of such locations as the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome and yet this course is completely online, and self-paced. The value of this new Alpha version of the Master Course could easily be priced at $2000 like many other online courses of this level, but in order to make it more accessible, we are pricing it at $850 with a 25% discount available for private groups of 2 or more, and also the ability to pay in installments through apps such as Klarna, Affirm, Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.
Do you know anyone interested in learning Gregorian Chant? Please spread the word and check out what courses are currently available at www.courses.floriani.org.
Here is a preview of the course.
Joseph André Quackenbush
The Quackenbush’s welcomed Joseph Andrè into the world on April 21st, and he was baptized on May 7th. Mother and child are both doing splendidly, Praise God! Joseph is named after St. Andrè Bessette (known popularly as Brother Andre, or St. Andre of Montreal) and St. Joseph, to whom he was so devoted. Rebecca’s maiden name is Bessette, and St. Andrè is her 2nd cousin (5 times removed)!
His four older sisters are especially delighted to have a baby brother, and are determined to raise him well. Thomas and Rebecca are hoping they will get to be involved - we’ll keep you updated.

(On the left is the Quackenbush family at Joseph's Baptism; below is an up-close of the newly christened little saint!)

Floriani has been accepted into a Summer School for vocal ensembles.
It is to be hosted at Princeton University and including one-on-one coaching from an assortment of expert guests, including prestigious British a cappella group, The King's Singers.
Debuting first in London on May 1st, 1968, The King's Singers had a beginning not unlike our own: as a group of six choral scholars attending King's College, Cambridge, they shared a love of music and decided to make a life of it. Since then the group has acquired an impressive reputation for their technique, musicianship, and versatility. They have performed in almost every major concert hall in the world and on television, released over 150 recordings, and have won Grammy and Emmy awards.
Needless to say, we would be thrilled to work under the mentorship of such a group. Such an incredible opportunity, however, is not without its costs. If you are interested in sponsoring our attendance, please scroll down to our Wish List at the end of this newsletter for details!
Back in April we were tagged in a story on Instagram by some of our followers from Brazil. They were singing our arrangement of the Regina Caeli for a special Mass, celebrated in the Brazilian parliament, on the 524th anniversary of the first Mass in Brazil! They've shared with us the brief historical context of this Mass:

"After the expulsion of the Templars from several European countries, triggered by accusations raised by King Philip IV of France in 1307 and culminating with the official dissolution of the Order of the Templars by Pope Clement V in 1312, Portugal was one of the few countries that welcomed them. In Portuguese territory, under the reign of Dinis I, the Templars were protected and reorganized under a new designation: the Order of Christ, in 1319. This new order, inheriting the assets and mission of the Templars, played a crucial role in supporting Portuguese navigations, providing significant financial and logistical resources. These efforts resulted in the great Portuguese maritime discoveries, including the accidental encounter with the lands of what is today Brazil in 1500. Four days following the discovery of the new land, the first Mass took place on April 26, 1500. While the specific hymns sung by the friars remain unknown, ‘Regina Caeli’ was likely included in the a cappella repertoire."
(Above is a screenshot from the original Instagram story)
Chris recently shared this photo from 2010, taken in the church of St. Margaret Mary's in Oakland, CA. Chris (second from right) is directing Tenebrae here--and standing right next to him (third from right) is none other than a 16 year-old Giorgio Navarini.

Chants of Deliverance
Join the early adopter list for an exclusive purchase opportunity!
Chants of Deliverance
We apologize for any difficulty accessing this link from our previous email!

Thanks to your continued support, Floriani’s mission has picked up speed and continues to grow. Please consider support us in a very specific way by contributing to the following needs:
As mentioned above, this June we are hoping to attend as a group the Princeton Summer School, to work under the mentorship of The King's Singers.
PRINCETON SUMMER SCHOOL with The King's Singers,($9,000 total: covering flights, tuitions, per diems, fees, and travel expenses)
If you have it in your heart (and your bank account) to fund this item, or a portion of it, please email us at florianisacredmusic@gmail.com
Questions? Feel free to email us anytime at florianisacredmusic@gmail.com.
We are so grateful for your support! Please keep us in your prayers!
- Giorgio, Graham, Joe, Thomas, Chris, and Sarah